php tutorial for content management system admin panel
Content Management System Admin Panel Tutorial please visit php code site for more php sample code . So when a user enters correct username and password in login.php page, that is verified by verify_user.php, which in turn transfers to admin_panel.php page. Our admin_panel.php page performs 8 different jobs. Creating a New Category. Deleting a existing category. Creating a New article Displaying all the existing articles. Displaying articles based on categories. Deleting existing article. Editing existing article. Logging out of Administration Panel. admin_panel.php <?php session_start(); if(isset($_SESSION['name'])) { if(!$_SESSION['name']=='admin') { header("Location:login.php?id=You are not authorised to access this page unless you are administrator of this website"); } } else { header("Location:login.php?id=You are not authorised to access this page unless you are administrator of this website"); } ?...