
Showing posts from June, 2012

php tutorial for content management system admin panel

Content Management System Admin Panel Tutorial please visit   php code site for more   php sample code . So when a user enters correct username and password in login.php page, that is verified by verify_user.php, which in turn transfers to admin_panel.php page. Our admin_panel.php page performs 8 different jobs. Creating a New Category. Deleting a existing category. Creating a New article Displaying all the existing articles. Displaying articles based on categories. Deleting existing article. Editing existing article. Logging out of Administration Panel. admin_panel.php <?php session_start(); if(isset($_SESSION['name'])) { if(!$_SESSION['name']=='admin') { header("Location:login.php?id=You are not authorised to access this page unless you are administrator of this website"); } } else { header("Location:login.php?id=You are not authorised to access this page unless you are administrator of this website"); } ?...

php calculcator

For more php code please visit phptutorial <?php  // Define to make this all one document $page = $_GET['page']; // Defining the "calc" class class calc { var $number1; var $number2; function add($number1,$number2) { $result =$number1 + $number2; echo("The sum of $number1 and $number2 is $result<br><br>"); echo("$number1 + $number2 = $result"); exit; } function subtract($number1,$number2) { $result =$number1 - $number2; echo("The difference of $number1 and $number2 is $result<br><br>"); echo("$number1 &#045 $number2 = $result"); exit; } function divide($number1,$number2) { $result =$number1 / $number2; echo(...

introduction of cakephp with mvc code

Welcome to learn the manual for the CakePHP web application framework that makes developing a piece of cake!for php coding practice or ready made php code is in php tutorial                     This manual assumes that you have a general understanding of PHP and a basic understanding of object-oriented programming (OOP). Different functionality within the framework makes use of different technologies – such as SQL, JavaScript, and XML – and this manual does not attempt to explain those technologies, only how they are used in context.                                        What is CakePHP? Why Use it?                          CakePHP is a free, open-source, rapid development framework for PHP. It’s a foundational structure for programmers to create web applications. Our...


                                                           PHP Tutorial - Learn PHP  If you want to learn the basics of PHP, then you've come to the right place. The goal of this tutorial is to teach you the basics of PHP so that you can: • Customize PHP scripts that you download, so that they better fit your needs. • Begin to understand the working model of PHP, so you may begin to design your own PHP projects. • Give you a solid base in PHP, so as to make you more valuable in the eyes of future employers. PHP stands for PHP Hypertext Preprocessor. PHP - What is it? Taken directly from PHP's home,, "PHP is an HTML-embedded scripting language. Much of its syntax is borrowed from C, Java and Perl with a couple of unique PHP-specific features thrown in. The goal of the language is to allow web developers to write dyn...