
Showing posts from October, 2014

Rules and Benifits of provident fund in india

There n number of benfits in  provident fund in india for example the person getting 20,000 per month and gains 5% increment per annum can get 1.38 croses after 35 years of service. For more detail please visit the

Top 10 MySQL Queries

This are the top 10 MySQL queries are usually written once and then wrapped in class functions to minimize code repetition. 1. Create Table You would not use the create table query every time the script executes in normal scenarios. CREATE TABLE  'emp' ( 'id' INTEGER UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, 'name' VARCHAR(45) NOT NULL, 'lastname' VARCHAR(45), 'dept' VARCHAR(45) DEFAULT 'sales', PRIMARY KEY ('id') ) ENGINE = InnoDB; The above query creates a table "emp" in the selected database. We will have an "id" column as auto increment and with a PRIMARY KEY constraint, which ensures an incremented integer value is added every time a new row is inserted; the constraint checks for non-duplicate value. You can specify the "Engine" to be used while creating the table.  We used "InnoDB" here because it allows FOREIGN KEY and transactions. 2. Insert Query Now that you have a t...