Recursive function: multidimensional array looping through 3 x faster
A faster way to replace the strings in multidimensional array is to json_encode() it, do the str_replace() and then json_decode() it, like this: <?php function str_replace_json ( $search , $replace , $subject ){ return json_decode ( str_replace ( $search , $replace , json_encode ( $subject ))); } ?> This method is almost 3x faster (in 10000 runs.) than using recursive calling and looping method, and 10x simpler in coding. Compared to: <?php function str_replace_deep ( $search , $replace , $subject ) { if ( is_array ( $subject )) { foreach( $subject as & $oneSubject ) $oneSubject = str_replace_deep ( $search , $replace , $oneSubject ); unset( $oneSubject ); return...